Associate of Arts in Healthcare Administration








Your Gateway to Healthcare Management: AA in Healthcare Administration!

欢迎来到澳门新葡京网站医疗管理副学士课程,在这里,您将开始进入充满活力的医疗管理世界. Lay a foundation for success in a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. 该计划为您提供进一步教育的跳板,同时为您提供对有效医疗保健管理实践的深刻理解. You will have the knowledge and skills you need to excel in healthcare settings. 通过参加这个项目, you’ll dive into courses that cover 医疗伦理, 财务状况, 政策, 组织管理. 这种组合可确保您了解医疗保健的所有方面以及保持医疗保健设施顺利运行所需的管理. 你是否渴望在医院工作, 诊所, 长期护理设施, or healthcare-related administrative roles, 我们的课程提供了一个坚实的基础. With a focus on ethical decision-making and faith integration, 您将准备好有效地管理行政操作,并为患者的健康做出积极贡献. CIU的医疗管理艺术副学士课程为您打开了一扇有前途的职业大门,将您对医疗保健的热情与有效的管理专业知识相结合.


Why Choose Columbia International University

选择澳门新葡京网站的医疗管理艺术副学士课程提供了一个变革性的教育经验,将医疗保健知识与道德领导力和信仰融合在一起. 以下是为什么CIU是您开始医疗保健管理职业生涯的理想选择:

  • 全面的方法: Our program doesn’t just focus on administration; it integrates faith principles and ethical considerations into healthcare education, fostering a well-rounded perspective that aligns with your values.
  • 有经验的教师我们的教师从医疗保健和管理领域带来了丰富的经验, ensuring you receive relevant insights and practical knowledge.
  • 道德的基础: CIU的基督教基础确保道德决策是您医疗保健管理角色的核心, preparing you to navigate complex situations with integrity.
  • 强烈的价值观CIU强调以价值观为基础的领导力,使您成为一名有道德的医疗保健管理人员, making you an asset in an industry that values integrity.
  • 全球视角: CIU’s diverse community brings global perspectives to your education, broadening your understanding of healthcare dynamics on a worldwide scale.
  • 有效的贡献: With CIU’s healthcare administration education, you’ll contribute to healthcare organizations, ensuring efficient operations that enhance patient experiences and outcomes.

通过选择CIU, 你投资的医疗管理教育,整合道德领导和信仰, 装备您在医疗保健管理和积极影响患者的生活出类拔萃.


医疗保健管理副学士学位为医疗保健行业内成功的职业生涯提供了全面的基础. 研究生s benefit from a robust understanding of healthcare operations, 政策, 法规, enabling them to adeptly navigate the intricate healthcare landscape. Equipped with fundamental administrative skills, graduates excel in roles like medical office managers, 医疗管理员, 病人服务代表. 这个学位不仅传授实用的专业知识,而且还灌输植根于基督教价值观的道德框架, guiding graduates in responsible decision-making. As the healthcare industry continues to expand, graduates of this program find themselves in high demand, 有助于医疗保健设施的高效运营,同时积极影响患者体验.



  • ICS 1210 - Discovering the Mission of God Credits: 3
  • MSD 1110 - Encountering Spiritual Formation Credits: 3
  • THE 2010 - Survey of Bible Doctrine Credits: 3


  • COM 1010 - Communication for Leaders Credits: 3
  • CPT 1010 - Technology for College Credits: 3
  • ENG 1010 - College Writing and Research 1 Credits: 3
  • ENG 1020 - College Writing and Research 2 Credits: 3
  • HIS 2010 - World Civilizations Credits: 3
  • MAT 2010 - Personal Financial Management Credits: 3
  • PHI 1010 - Philosophy and Worldview Credits: 3
  • PHI 3010 - Personal and Social Ethics Credits: 3
  • PSY 2010 - Organizational and Industrial Psychology Credits: 3
  • SCI 2010 -地球科学
  • SOC 1010 -成功在CIU学分:3
  • SOC 2010 -文化多样性学分:3

Healthcare Administration Concentration (15)

  • HCA 1110 - Introduction to Healthcare Administration Credits: 3
  • HCA 1010 - Intro to Public Community Health Credits: 3
  • HCA 2010 - Healthcare Management and Delivery Systems Credits: 3
  • HCA 2020 -医疗保健金融信贷:2
  • HCA 2410 - Healthcare Ethics and Medical Law Credits: 3




  • 医务室经理
  • 医疗管理员
  • 病人服务代表
  • 医疗记录协调员
  • 招生协调人
  • 医疗接待员
  • 医疗计费专员
  • 诊所协调员
  • 卫生信息技术员
  • 医疗保健行政助理


What will I learn in the Associate of Arts in Healthcare Administration program?
该课程旨在为您提供医疗保健管理的坚实基础. You will explore essential topics such as healthcare 政策 法规, 医疗伦理, 以及运营管理. 这些科目结合起来,为您提供所需的知识,以驾驭医疗保健行业的复杂性,并有效地管理医疗保健组织内的行政任务.
What sets this program apart from other healthcare administration programs?
这个项目的与众不同之处在于它将基督教价值观与医疗管理教育相结合. 你不仅可以获得实用的管理技能,还可以培养一个基于信仰的道德决策框架. 这种独特的混合物使您能够以完整的方式处理复杂的医疗保健情况, setting you apart as a values-driven healthcare administrator.
Can I pursue further education after completing this degree?
绝对. 医疗保健管理AA提供医疗保健管理方面的强大基础知识. 这让你更适合攻读更高层次的学位,比如医疗管理或相关领域的学士学位,甚至工商管理硕士学位.
What kind of roles can I expect after completing this program?
该计划的毕业生为医疗保健部门的各种行政角色做好准备. You could become a medical office manager, 监督日常运作, 或者医疗保健管理员, ensuring efficient functioning of healthcare facilities. Other possibilities include patient services representatives, 医疗记录协调员, 招生协调人, 医疗接待员, and administrative assistants in healthcare settings.
How does faith integration play a role in this program?
Faith integration is a core aspect of CIU’s education. 当你学习医疗管理时, 你将探索基督教价值观如何与道德决策和领导原则相交. This framework will guide your actions and decisions, 让您在医疗保健部门的管理角色中保持诚信和同情心.
Can I work in non-clinical roles with this degree?
绝对. 医疗保健管理员在医疗保健组织的非临床方面发挥着至关重要的作用. 从管理记录和协调入院到促进患者服务和监督运营效率, 您的管理技能对于各种医疗保健功能的顺利运作至关重要.
How does the program keep up with evolving healthcare industry trends?
该计划的课程定期审查和更新,以配合医疗保健行业的不断变化的景观. This ensures that you receive the latest insights into industry trends, 规定, 最佳实践. By staying current with industry developments, 毕业后,你将为进入充满活力的医疗保健行业做好充分准备.